“The Runaway” sponsorship includes:

  • Private pre-event dinner with VIPs and Association Leadership*
  • Special recognition during the presentation
  • Premier display of company logo/donor name on monitor sponsor loop during the event**
  • Premier listing of company logo/donor name on cover page of event program**
  • Premier listing of company logo/donor name on signage**
  • Premier listing of company logo/donor name in the Constabulary Magazine
  • Special recognition in the “President’s Message” to the more than 2,100 Sergeants, Troopers, and retirees of the State Police Association of Massachusetts
  • Premier listing of company logo/donor name on event webpage with clickable link to your company’s website
  • Twenty (20) tickets to the event

*The private pre-event VIP Honoree Dinner is limited to two guests (Contact Association Treasurer Christopher Donahue if additional principals need to attend)
**All logos must be received prior to 11/10/2023

“Sergeant” sponsorship includes:

  • Prominent display of company logo/donor name on monitor sponsor loop during the event*
  • Prominent listing of company logo/donor name in event program*
  • Prominent listing of company logo/donor name on signage*
  • Prominent listing of company logo/donor name in the Constabulary Magazine
  • Special recognition in the “President’s Message” to the more than 2,100 Sergeants, Troopers, and retirees of the State Police Association of Massachusetts
  • Prominent listing of company logo/donor name on event webpage with clickable link to your company’s website
  • Twelve (12) tickets to the event

**All logos must be received prior to 11/10/2023

“Trooper 1st Class” sponsorship includes:

  • Notable listing of company logo/donor name in event program*
  • Notable listing of company logo/donor name on signage*
  • Notable listing of company logo/donor name in the Constabulary Magazine
  • Notable listing of company logo/donor name on event webpage with clickable link to your company website
  • Eight (8) tickets to the event

**All logos must be received prior to 11/10/2023

“Trooper” sponsorship includes:

  • Company logo/donor name in event program*
  • Company logo/donor name on event webpage
  • Four (4) tickets to the event

**All logos must be received prior to 11/10/2023

“Supporter” sponsorship includes:

  • Company name on event webpage
  • Two (2) tickets to the event
Fill out my online form.