The State Police Association, along with our partners from the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Policy Group, Massachusetts Coalition of Police, Fraternal Order of Police, Boston Police Patrolman’s Association, Boston Police Detective’s Benevolent Society, Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts and numerous other public safety unions, continue to express our many concerns with the recent police reform bill. Below is the text of two media statements released by SPAM last evening and today. Also attached are statements from MCOP and PFFM.
SPAM Media Statement 12/1/20:
“The State Police Association remains committed to providing modern, professional police services. We have worked on, supported, and implemented many new reforms this year. This 129-page bill was released the evening before the vote, and after months behind closed doors. We are concerned with the limited visible process, the unknown and extensive costs of this legislation, the minimal representation on the boards and commissions from the professions they oversee, and the lack of study of the consequences for public safety — both intended and unintended. This bill will create more harm than good a mere month before a new General Court is sworn in; such comprehensive legislation should be extensively and publicly debated in order to get it right.”
SPAM Media Statement 11/30/20:
“The State Police Association of Massachusetts welcomes reform that will actually improve policing; unfortunately, this legislation misses the mark. The bill creates layers of unnecessary bureaucracy and costly commissions staffed by political appointees with no real world experience in policing and the dangers officers face every day. We urge the members of the Legislature to reject this bill and begin anew in 2021.”
Links to view files:
• SOG 11/30/20
• MCOP statement
• PFFM statement
Action TODAY is critical. Members of the SPAM Executive Board and our lobbying team are actively working to promote and protect your rights. Your help and voice, and that of your family and friends is needed. Please continue to call and email your State Representatives and Senators and take note of any interaction or response that you receive and sent it back to SPAM at [email protected].
Find your Legislator
We ask you to familiarize yourself with your State Senator and State Representative (enter your address, if you don’t already know). Then go to to receive their phone number and e-mail address.
In Solidarity,
Mike Cherven
Secretary, State Police Association of Massachusetts